Are you a Traveler Minded?

So, your family is headed to New York City for a housing swap vacation in the chilly winter months.  Here are a handful of tips to keep your pooch hale and hearty in the worst possible winters: 

Don’t Overfeed

You love your pooch. Right? But do not convert that love in overfeeding!

Remember, your dogs can survive the winters with moderate feed. They are equally lazy and laid back in winters like you. Their inactivity leaves them with enough stored energy to adjust with a little less regular feed.

However, by no means, you need to starve them. Preferably, consult your vet and fix a balanced diet to avoid piling on extra flab and maintain their winters' health. 

If you worry about who will feed him as you’re away for work or have some vacation plans - housing swap, get him into the best dog day boarding for round the clock care and comfort.

If your vet recommends the regular diet, then the onus is on you to balance it out with some activities. How? Read on next.

Water, Water & Water 

It is hard to imagine drinking water all day long, even for humans, during winters. Adequate water intake is essential to keep all the nagging health woes at bay.

Make sure his water bowl has sufficient water all the time. Many dogs are reluctant to drink water in winters. You may have to pamper them into drinking water now and then, not just after meals.

Alternatively, you can dilute their feed with water or supplement with vegetable stock or soup to compensate for the lack of water.

Wrap Them in Woolens

Your dog has god gifted natural fur to keep them warm. However, that may not be enough in sub-zero conditions as the cold gets bitter. Buy them a soft woolen jacket or sweater to get through the winter chills. 


Make sure you get a perfect size. Too loose or tight woolen would defeat the very purpose. Make him feel loved and cared for with a lovely woolen to give complete comfort while allowing their fluid movement around.

Winter Grooming

Most dog owners skip regular bathing and other grooming sessions as winter begins.

But well, hygiene is exceptionally important for dogs in every season. Know little about? Get all the vital information on hygiene essentials to keep your furry dude in his best health and get going!

Dandruff can be a common problem in winter amongst dogs. Get the vet-recommended shampoo else your dog may suffer from the rough and dry dandruff patches. Notice if your dog is itching a lot. You may have to get a medicated shampoo in a severe case.

Do not keep the dog wet for long after bath. Use a blow dryer instead. 

Check for other common ear and eyes infections as most dogs have low immunity during winters. Avoid trimming his fur as it acts as a natural coat for him.
